la wedding planning blog

anything but gray events

This is the Anything But Gray Events blog, where caffeine and kindness power me as I relive the most fantastical events through poignant write-ups and gorgeous images. 

No fiddle-faddle, just trusty wedding tips & features.

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 Voyage LA Magazine featured me in their latest blog post this week!  If you are not familiar with the LA publication staple, Voyage LA Magazine prides themselves on showcasing LA’s Most Inspiring Stories and People. I loved that Voyage LA Magazine asked some very honest and straightforward questions. While I love to talk about all the […]

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I hear it all the time from my clients getting married, “Who knew there were SO much choices?”. When it comes to weddings, the choices feel endless and equally as overwhelming too. From invitations, food, dresses, guest lists, chairs and so much more! And while chairs might seem like a basic need, which they are, […]

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Summer is here and it’s a hot one! Use these helpful tips from Anything But Gray Events to beat the heat, take care of your guests and enjoy your outdoor Summer Wedding! Summer Wedding Rules: Just like Fight Club, The first rule of HEAT is: You do not talk about HEAT. The second rule of […]

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