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anything but gray events

This is the Anything But Gray Events blog, where caffeine and kindness power me as I relive the most fantastical events through poignant write-ups and gorgeous images. 

No fiddle-faddle, just trusty wedding tips & features.

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Beauty blogger Chia Habte and Rapper-Comedian Tim Delaghetto wanted a Non-Traditional yet Classically Elegant Wedding in Sunny California that would incorporate their unique cultures and big personalities! The palm tree soaked Bel Air Bay Club was the perfect beach lined backdrop for this larger than life creative couple! Enjoy these gorgeous sneak peek images from […]

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Yes, I know, we all love it and hate it. We can spend hours trolling for it, fantasizing about it and even ignoring out significant others because of it. No, I am not talking about internet porn. Well, not THAT kind of internet porn. I am talking about Pinterest. To some of us ladies, it is the ultimate in beauty porn and it might the thing killing our realities. 

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