A Day in the Life of Holly Gray | Anything But Gray Events

It’s true, the wedding industry is pretty darn fancy shmancy, but a day in the life of Holly Gray isn’t so much!


There are lavish parties with open bars, elegant get togethers with french macaron towers, and decadent events with big band orchestras in tails. It’s one fabulous party after another. Now to create all that glitterly glam, you need a lot of elbow grease. That is where I come in!


Hi, I’m Holly (Said in a fancy British Accent).  Wedding & Event Coordinator, Wife, Doggie Mama and all around Fabulous Bad Ass!

Yes, I said Ass…..

People ask me a lot what my days are like as a business-owning lady so I thought I would do an average run down of a day in the life of me. Here goes nothin’!

7am – Wake Up. Now yes, the early bird catches the worm but the grumpy sleep-deprived bird just dive bombs. I am a night owl. I guess that is part of this business. But I have always loved my sleep.

8:00am– By this time I am on a conference call with the board members of The Association of Bridal Consultants. As the Events Chair for the Greater Los Angeles group, I help plan and design our industry events and meetings. I will be honest, these calls are usually don’t in my PJs!

8:30am – I do all the necessary dressing, teeth brushing, face washing and such before I head downstairs to let the doggies out. There are 3 doggies, all boston terriers. Oliver (9), Eloise (10) and Audrey (6). All rescues and the lights of my life. Try sleeping in a queen sized bed with a big German man and 3 dogs. Between the farts and the snores, I am lucky to make it to morning! A quick cup of joe and a banana and I am good to go.

8:45am – I spend a few minutes updating my Social Media Accounts with photos from my latest trip through the Flower Mart Downtown. Social Media is a crucial party of what I do on a daily basis.

9am – Workout time. Either Weights, Yoga, Zumba or a Hike through Fryman Canyon. No, I am not a workout lover, but I have to do it. It keeps the cobwebs out of my brain and my butt from hitting the floor. When I turned 30, working out daily in some way became a must. God can be cruel! I have to workout in a group setting. It keeps me motivated and has created some amazing friendships who keep me accountable.

10am – I am sweaty and now headed home to shower and check my emails. I used to roll over at 6am and begin checking work emails. Before I knew it, stress would be flooding through my body like el nino. I made a pack with myself that in the mornings I don’t check my emails till after breakfast. Crazy but true! This gives a chance to start the day with a positive attitude and a clean slate.


11am – Skype chat with an out of state client. I love Skype because no one knows you are in sweat pants! She is also in sweat pants so I don’t feel so bad! Touching base face to face with clients is so important to me. Phone calls are wonderful, but the human touch is what my clients crave. I believe it is a lost art in this day and age.

11:30am – After my Skype call I head over to drop off vases with a florist for an upcoming full-planning wedding. I check out the floral mock up and make a few tweaks before giving the ok! In my opinion, you can never have too many flowers at a wedding! Free Wedding Tip: Always order more flowers that you need! You can use them in the restrooms, gift table and buffet tables.

12pm – Lunch appointment with a bride and her mother for a menu tasting at their venue in Pasadena. Her groom was unable to attend in the middle of the day so I am there to give her a second opinion on the 3 course meal they have chosen. Yum-o!


2pm – The New York strip steak with roasted garlic flingerling potatoes and a kale salad with butternut squash was the winner! Headed back to the office now to check my emails, return some phone calls and finalize a timeline for next week’s wedding before getting to all the vendors.

3pm – Snack time! Gotta walk away from the computer for 30 mins to let my eyes rest. I am a sucker for chips and guacamole! If I am feeling really crazy, I will indulge in an ice cold Dr. Pepper.

4pm – A photo call with the co-founder of The Rising Tide Society, Natalie Frank! I am one of the Los Angeles leaders of this all inclusive, networking group.

4:30pm – Phone call with 3 other wedding vendors for the upcoming Big Fake Wedding Los Angeles 2016.

5:30pm – Time to cook dinner!


7pm – Blogging and Social Media meeting. Once a month I meet with a group of other business owning ladies for idea sharing, motivation and education

9:30pm – Finally home for the night for some couch snuggles with my man and doggies.

10:30pm – The last thing I do before I got to bed every night is make a list for myself of tasks to be done the next day. If you don’t do this, you should try it. I LOVE lists. This allows my brain to relax and helps me get a good night sleep and wake up fresh and ready to rock n’ roll in the morning.

So that is an average day in my life! What’s your day like?

  1. Hi Holly! I am also an event planner/business owner. Thank you so much for your awesome "in the day of"! Your days sound extremely similar to mine. How lucky are we to be in this business? Have a great one!

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