la wedding planning blog

anything but gray events

This is the Anything But Gray Events blog, where caffeine and kindness power me as I relive the most fantastical events through poignant write-ups and gorgeous images. 

No fiddle-faddle, just trusty wedding tips & features.

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In this blog post, Demystifying Wedding Planner Costs in Los Angeles, we will shed light on the factors that influence the cost of hiring a wedding planner in Los Angeles and provide a general understanding of what to look for and expect. We share this information not to scare you, but rather to educate you […]

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Wedding planning is often associated with romance, excitement, and dreams of a perfect day. Cue any Hallmark movie. I am here to get REALLY honest with ya’ll, and say that wedding planning isn’t always so shiny, and perfection, of any kind, does not exist. You know that at Anything But Gray Events, we keep it […]

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Frank and Connor were engaged during an epic double surprise proposal weekend at a winery in Napa, California last year. Unfortunately, due to the pandemic, they were not able to celebrate this special occasion with their friends and family as they would have liked. One of the most incredible things about celebrating and showcasing LGBTQ+ […]

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