Porn or Pinterest | Wedding Planning | LA | Anything But Gray Events

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Pinterest, yes, I know, we all love it and hate it. We can spend hours trolling for it, fantasizing about it and even ignoring out significant others because of it. No, I am not talking about internet porn. Well, not THAT kind of internet porn. I am talking about Pinterest. To some of us ladies, it is the ultimate in beauty porn and it might the thing killing our realities.

Since I brought up porn, let’s make a comparison.  Many therapists and marriage counselors agree that the overuse of porn can be detrimental to a marriage. It can alter the reality of a situation and leads to unrealistic ideals, expectations and scenarios that no “true” or “organic” intimacy could ever really live up to. No one is knocking porn here. Just giving you the facts.

Pinterest can do the same thing to us….

From the time that sparkly cylinder is slipped onto our ring finger we are off running to our laptops. Brides these days turn to Pinterest for inspiration, motivation, and a world wide web full of pretty pictures to consume their days. We immerse ourselves in everything wedding till the idea of the actual marriage is pushed out of our brains to make room for more “Rustic Fall Centerpieces”. It becomes less about the the forever and more about the fluff.

Now, I am sure there are some of you at this point that are fuming and think I am out of my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I do it too. I have Pinterest boards up the wazoo and enjoy many an evening alone on my MAC with a glass of wine and a search bar. I am on there scrolling for the same stuff. I am one of you. We are not a cult (said in a chanting voice just like a cult…)

All I am saying is please keep it the Porn that is Pinterest in perspective. I have so many brides who come to me looking to plan and coordinate their weddings using photos off Pinterest of lavish weddings 10 times their budget. Then I have to be the baron of bad news. Wedding words to live by,

Your Expectation = Your Budget &
Your Budget = Your Expectations

I can say it till I am blue in the face and the cows come home.

Don’t let the excitement of pinning make you so overwhelmed and hazy that you loose focus of the fact you are planning a lifetime not just a wedding.  

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