My 10 Not-So-Secret get them right now Vitamins for Wedding Planners

Here are my 10 Not-So-Secret Vitamins for Wedding Planners. Let’s be real, as a wedding planner, the day AFTER the wedding day is the hardest. Armed with gallons of water bedside, a few Aleve extra strength on hand, and blackout curtains you will hear me utter these words in honor of the great, Leslie Knope, “Everything hurts and I am dying” from the comfort of my bed. No, you aren’t really dying but your body is in real pain from hours on your feet and a very active mind keeping up with every last logistic!

Hello, I am Holly, a professional wedding schlepper!

Photo: Jenn Emerling Weddings

Ten years ago, if you would have asked me about vitamins I would have told you that I take them every now and then when I remember. I thought vitamins were optional, but now, older and hopefully wiser, I understand the importance of a strong, daily vitamin routine. It’s simple really, I just feel better when I take them.

I learned a very long time ago that it is not about how you recover but rather how you prepare that makes all the difference in how you feel.

For me, my whole career is about preparation, which means adding a daily vitamin regimen (that I stick to without fail) that has kept me healthy, vibrant, and continuing to sherpa couples up the wedding mountain month after month for years now!

Here are my 10 Not-So-Secret Vitamins for Wedding Planners.

  • Ritual I started using Ritual vitamins about two years after a friend recommended them to me. Don’t friend’s give the best recommendations? These vitamins have been an absolute game-changer for me ever since. A multi-vitamin company formulated by women for women, this year they have branched into multi-vitamins for Men, Pre-Natal, Kids, and 50+ as well! Their monthly subscription is vegan, uses traceable ingredients, is gluten-free, non-GMO, and uses no artificial colors or synthetic fillers, plus each bottle comes with a natural mint tab to cut down on the dreaded vitamin burps you get from most other supplements. Truly, what you see in Ritual is what you get, and what you get is a great product in your mailbox each month!
  • Osteo Bi-Flex – Two words – Joint Health. In The Golden Girls, resident elder, Sofia Petrillo, goes on and on daily about how everything on her body is falling apart. If only she took this product back then! For all those long hours on your feet, Osteo Bi-Flex helps support your joints and leaves you less stiff and sore after a long day. No more sore elbows, knees, or back for me!
  • Vitamin C While an apple a day keeps the doctor away, Vitamin C is a must for immune support. Vitamin C is also one of the best antioxidants for fighting the free radicals that can cause oxidative stress that may lead to premature aging of the cells.
  • Turmeric – You know when you wake up feeling like you have been hit by a bus? That is from inflammation in your system. Turmeric is an herbal-based, naturally sourced supplement that relieves the inflammation that can cause your body to ache. This product has been an all-star game-changer for me as a wedding planner. Plus, it’s naturally bright yellow reminds me of sunshine in a bottle!

5. Fish Oil – Heart disease is something that runs in my family, so along with a healthy diet and cutting out what I can, I am always looking for ways to keep my heart healthy. Fish Oil contains EPA and DHA which help support and maintain the health of your cardiovascular and circulatory system. Yes, fish oil may cause fish burps but it helps to keep your heart happy and healthy which is worth it!

6. Biotin Confession time! I WAS a lifetime nail biter until 2020. I know, it’s a disgusting, nasty, horrible habit and I am embarrassed to say I had it. It wasn’t until March when we got word of the Corona Virus that I was able to finally break my lifelong habit. A big help in achieving that goal was by taking biotin to help strengthen my very weak nails from years of abuse. My once very brittle nails are now harder and stronger than they have ever been. Perfect for opening all those plastic-wrapped packages of candles, napkins, and boxes of decor on wedding days!

7. Ginkgo BilobaBoth my grandmother and great grandmother suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. So along with heart health, keeping my mind alert is a priority. As a wedding planner, remembering everything is part of the job. Ginkgo Biloba promotes healthy circulation, supports mental alertness, and healthy brain function. Supposedly it has been around since the time of the dinosaurs and this species, from Southeast Asia, was brought over to the US in 1784. As we age, this gets more and more important for remembering all the things on our wedding planner to-do lists!

8. ProbioticYep, let’s talk about poop! As the children’s book states, “Everybody poops!”. Your gut is the main hub for everything to do with your body’s function. If your gut is out of whack then YOU feel out of whack too. Adding a probiotic to your vitamin routine is a friendly bacteria for the digestive system that supports overall well-being and regularity. It’s always smart to do a gut check!

9. D3As a former stage manager for live theater, I can tell you that Shakespeare coined the lucky term, “Break a leg”, but frankly, no thank you, Will! I would rather have my bones strong and in one piece, thank you very much. In addition to immune support, getting a sufficient amount of Vitamin D is critical to building and maintaining strong bones in adults. It is essential for calcium absorption to help support healthy bones, especially in women.

10. B12 – Not having enough B12 can lead to anemia, something women especially suffer from. It means your body does not have enough red blood cells to do the job, therefore making you unable to do yours! This can make you feel weak and tired. Adding B12 to your vitamin routine can give you back the pep in your step that any good wedding planner requires!

Well, there are my 10 Not-So-Secret Vitamins for Wedding Planners. I hope you incorporate these into your daily vitamin routine!

As a friendly disclaimer, all the links that I shared are Amazon Associates affiliate links. Happy shopping!

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