Call Her Bossy… Holly Gray gets interviewed by Daybreak + Dusk!

Ever wonder what it takes to be your own boss? Holly Gray gives us the scoop on the joys, challenges, and experienced she’s gained from running Events by Holly Gray in a recent post by Daybreak + Dusk!

In her candid interview, she emphasizes the importance of standing out, maintaining a positive outlook, working hard, and sometimes unwinding with a pint of ice cream when the going gets tough.

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Here are some highlights from the interview:

On creativity and standing out

My creative fire came from the spark of always standing out. As a younger person, it meant being the loudest in the room, coordinating when everyone else matched and raising my hand first. As an older person, my desire to stand out comes without effort. In my business, Events by Holly Gray, this translates to choosing rainbow over white, skipping instead of walking and cake instead of salad. The road that led my to who I am today was not a straight one, but it was well-traveled and so worth the wait.

On some of the challenges of being your own boss

setting the table with rentals and linens from Luxe Linen

The hardest part of being a GirlBoss for me is the lack of security. I am a single women. There is no one else in my life to fall back on financially. I have to make it all work. That is a lot of pressure. BUT, that pressure keeps me motived and very proud of myself at the end of the day when I finally get to hit the pillow at night.

On future goals

cup of tea while celebrating all the beautiful color linens at Luxe Linen

I see growth and moving toward taking on more specific clients and events that fit truly my business model, mentality and aline with my creative vision. Basically, I want to work only with clients who have big personalities, creative minds, a keen sense of humor and who “get it.” I want to know that every client/couple I work with is half human/half unicorn. They are out there, and I will find them.

Feeling inspired? Head on over to Daybreak + Dusk to read the rest…


Photography: Daybreak + Dusk

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